Sponsor Calypso!

It costs a lot to take care of all of SFWS’s animals, but you can help! Become one of Calypso’s sponsors today by filling out the information below. Sponsorship donations are tax-deductible, and go toward providing food, water, vet care, and other amenities for Calypso and our other rescues. See the difference your donations can make here. Financial information on SFWS is available here and on our Guidestar page.

BORN: Approx. 2013
RESCUED: May, 2016
MORE: Calypso is one of our most inquisitive and curious animals. She is always interested in what's going on, and loves to play with Romulus. She is also a bit of a flirt and has charmed many a male with her beautiful face and bright personality.

Sponsorship Info

Your Information




Gift/Memorial Sponsorship

If you would like this sponsorship to be in honor or memory of someone, provide their information here.




Other Info

Provide any other info here that we should know. (This can include if you would like the sponsorship to be under multiple people's names or a company or family name — rather than just your own name.)



Account Creation

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